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We've managed to keep the level of missing receipts super low. This is largely thanks to Spendesk.

Pigment is a fast-growing SaaS company, founded in 2019. Matthieu Mourey joined the company in 2022 to help build the finance team.




since 2022

Receipts collected


Time saved

4 day/month

Matthieu Mourey, Finance Manager

In order to create more efficient systems and processes to support the company's growth, Pigment recognised the need for a centralised spend management solution.

As an international company with offices in France, the UK and the USA, Pigment was looking for an all-in-one tool that could be used worldwide. After extensive research and comparison, Spendesk emerged as the obvious choice, offering the necessary features and global capabilities.

Pigment’s challenges

Before implementing Spendesk, Pigment faced several challenges in managing its expenses.

The company relied on manual processes, with payments made individually via Revolut and receipts sent by e-mail. This approach lacked efficiency and control, making it difficult to track and manage expenses effectively. As the company grew, the need for a more streamlined, centralised expense management solution became apparent.

A revolutionised spend management process

Spendesk revolutionised Pigment's spend management, providing a smooth and efficient solution. With Spendesk, Pigment was able to centralise payment management, eliminating the need for manual processes and reducing the risk of missing receipts. The finance team gained greater control and visibility over expenses, ensuring a smooth monthly financial close. In addition, the ability to set spending limits and use virtual cards enabled Pigment to decentralise decision-making while maintaining a level of control and supervision.

Manual expense management

Operational complexity

Increased risk

Time-consuming closing

Centralised and automated expenses

Simplified receipt processing

Minimal risk of human error

Faster financial closing

Matthieu Mourey’s user experience

Matthieu's journey with Spendesk has been transformative for Pigment. The challenges of manual spend management have been replaced by a streamlined and efficient operation. Implementing Spendesk has not only alleviated previous difficulties but has also brought tangible benefits and peace of mind.

Matthieu emphasises Spendesk’s success with the rest of the team, saying: "The best proof of success is the very high satisfaction of all employees in using the tool on a daily basis". The platform has enabled Pigment to maintain a low level of missing receipts, a significant improvement on their previous system. Matthieu attributes this success to Spendesk's user-friendly interface and the ability to easily track and manage expenses.

Adopting Spendesk has enabled Pigment to centralise payment management, simplify workflows and gain greater control over spending. Matthieu knew how important it was to integrate Spendesk into the company's existing processes. With this in mind, Spendesk’s Customer Success teams did everything they could to ensure that Spendesk met Pigment's needs.

We have successfully migrated all card payments to Spendesk, and the platform has become an integral part of our spend management process.

Matthieu Mourey, Finance Manager, Pigment

The combination of Spendesk's functionality, ease of use and exceptional customer support makes it an invaluable tool for Pigment.

Pigment’s spending processes are now fully optimised

Matthieu's experience with Spendesk has been nothing short of transformational. The platform has not only solved the challenges Pigment faced with manual spend management, but has also delivered tangible benefits and peace of mind. The ability to centralise payment management, unify processes and gain greater control over spend has significantly improved Pigment's financial operations.

In Mathieu’s own words: "Spendesk has become an essential tool for our spend management process. It has become an invaluable asset for the Pigment Finance team in driving day-to-day financial operations."

What can Spendesk do for you?

Discover the transformative power of Spendesk for yourself.

Optimise your spend management processes, gain greater control over your spend and enjoy true peace of mind with Spendesk.

Join the growing community of satisfied customers and discover the benefits of an efficient, centralised spend management solution. Get started with Spendesk today and revolutionise your financial operations.

Get started with Spendesk

Make the switch to smarter company spending today.